Sunday, February 1, 2009

Today whilst working at KFC I served a man who bought a Wicked Wings Meal. This included a bucket with 8 pieces of O.R. Chicken, 12 Wicked Wings, and any four large sides. I turned around after having entered his order into the till and saw some lovely workmate had already packed the bucket for me. So I finish and give him his meal, after having yelled after him to please pay properly because his EFTPOS card was declined the first time. (Yes people do try to walk off without paying... it causes so much panic for the person serving.)

About ten minutes later he comes back into the store and marches up to the counter, obviously not pleased. I had just finished and was about to leave the store when I saw him; wanting to help, I looked at him inquiringly to ask if anything was wrong. He asks without the slightest sense of manners, where are his Wicked Wings.
I said, are they not in the bucket? They should be.
He said, I don't know, they're not here, you're the one who served me.
I explained (half to myself) that it wasn't me who packed it, but then remembering the rule for customer service, 'the customer is always right', I trailed off and asked my friend 'X' if she'd packed it. She said no. I asked around, (because sometimes parts of the meal are tucked away, or the wings were on the bottom of the bucket... who knows) and eventually found it was 'Y' who packed it.
Apparently 'Y' had put 15 pieces of O.R. Chicken in the bucket... as you would with a normal big bucket. Slightly annoyed but calm all the same, I went to put 12 W.Ws into a box while the man increased in agitation by the second, and 'X' asked 'Y' what he did, and 'Z' joined the situation, intrigued. I gave the man his new box of W.Ws. He stares at me angrily, while I apologise, and he asks, what about my other chicken?
In the bucket..?
Yes well he's got it, how can I take it? (At this point I was really fed up, I mean really, there is no need whatsoever to be so mad, people make mistakes you know.) ('Y' had the bucket and was contemplating how to add WWs to the already full bucket.. well I think that's what he was doing.)

In the end the man got to march off with 15 piecs of Chicken AND 12 WWs...
And I got to march off depressed and deflated, this final incident having dented a pretty good work day.

You know what I thought to console myself? It was about time for a rude customer anyway.
There is apparently a ratio of good:bad customers in modern society.
I had a good work day, having encountered some lovely customers dripping with manners and cheerfulness, and therefore it must be balanced with a rude customer who craves commotion.

I don't like having thought this. It makes me realise, there are sad people out there. People who, rather than explain a problem and have it solved without upsetting others, choose to cause a bigger commotion than deserved and what do they get out of it? Some extra chicken?

Being about to start my final year of high school, we were provided with a leadership/senior student seminar a few days ago (and school starts in a day which I am quite excited about). 2 wonderful people, a leadership trainer called Brenton Bai, and another man, great rugby coach/trainer, gave some demonstrations, inspirational wisdom talks, and also provided sweet entertainment (with clever use of bamboo sticks, a sponge, water, theatrical bandages and five dollars).
The point is, the seminar was not put to waste - I could actually see some people walk out of there, having been affected and now with a clearer sense of mind about giving and helping and making a difference in the world. It gave me a better sense of direction and purpose too. Which is why I feel sorry for that poor man with the Wicked Wings, because he could have done with some enlightenment or inspiration in his life.

Note: O.R. = Original Recipe.