Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Awesomeness and somehow it's associated with NZ. Or, should be.
Typical NZ autumn:
Scooped out halves with a spoon,
Scraped out with no spoon but teeth,
And my own invention, on toast (try it).
Fruit salads, chutney, jam, frozen, etc etc...


Macau Casino

This, I think, is...
Just one of the 26 casinos in Macau, tiny place of China with a population of about 500 000.
Think about it.
Half the people of Auckland, 26 casinos, 28.6 square km.

And I went there!

Or maybe it was a hotel.
Or some other decoration-worthy building.
Well, it looks nice anyway,
and it's what a casino MIGHT look like!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Little clam of people in Tibet, more correctly called XiZang, want autonomy.
i.e. free ruling as own country.
Protests here and there.
China says no.
Western civilisation uproar at human rights wrongs and chants for freeing Tibet.
Excuse me?

Sample scenario:
Little clam of Maori people in New Zealand want autonomy.
i.e. Maori want to be their own country, not 'part of' NZ.
Protests here and there.
Will New Zealand give them freedom?
Like, whatever.

Anyone in the UK supporting the freeing of Tibet needs to look at him or herself first, before meddling with other people's lives.
Look at the British Empire.

Anyone in the US supporting the freeing of Tibet needs to look at him or herself first, before meddling with other people's lives.
Look at Iraq.

With near-to-none knowledge and understanding and experiencing of Chinese history and the way they work, one can not walk around wearing a 'free Tibet' T-Shirt, like I saw a girl, not Chinese at all might I add, doing.
Like she knows anything.

Tibet is just another of the many provinces of China.
You can't just cut yourself from the Chinese map.
The rich diverse and intricate history and culture of one of the oldest civilisations on Earth ought to stand their ground and really, the West have no right to meddle in other people's problems with stuff going on in your own back yard.

And let's not let politics involved in International Sport either, i.e. Olympics, the place and time where everyone on Earth is meant to COME TOGETHER.
Not create hassle for the host.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Procrastination, living for the moment and joining yet another internet based thing.


I now officially have about 9 internet things. Things includes email, internet networking sites, gaming accounts and now blog.
Oh beloved and not so technology.
Back in the day when knucklebones and marbles and sticker-books were so cool to have and play with and swap (not knucklebones, any point in swapping blobbles of metal?) but now it's all typing and photo-uploading and commenting and url-ing...

So I call this living for the moment because having an account on MySpace and being joined with 200 friends is not going to impress the guy in the suit at the dark mahogany desk inside Harvard's enrolment office. He doesn't care whether you have super-photoshopped pictures of yourself at strange and unrecognisable angles in 8 different photo-albums. And he's the guy who determines whether you get that super job at wherever you want. Almost.

So why am I doing this now?
Because I want to.
It's the holidays.
I've done my share of guiltless work for the day (reading, or attempting to comprehend with no success, one page of Twelfth Night, that dear Analysis material for English).

Shakespeare's mind worked in funky ways.