Saturday, April 26, 2008

Procrastination, living for the moment and joining yet another internet based thing.


I now officially have about 9 internet things. Things includes email, internet networking sites, gaming accounts and now blog.
Oh beloved and not so technology.
Back in the day when knucklebones and marbles and sticker-books were so cool to have and play with and swap (not knucklebones, any point in swapping blobbles of metal?) but now it's all typing and photo-uploading and commenting and url-ing...

So I call this living for the moment because having an account on MySpace and being joined with 200 friends is not going to impress the guy in the suit at the dark mahogany desk inside Harvard's enrolment office. He doesn't care whether you have super-photoshopped pictures of yourself at strange and unrecognisable angles in 8 different photo-albums. And he's the guy who determines whether you get that super job at wherever you want. Almost.

So why am I doing this now?
Because I want to.
It's the holidays.
I've done my share of guiltless work for the day (reading, or attempting to comprehend with no success, one page of Twelfth Night, that dear Analysis material for English).

Shakespeare's mind worked in funky ways.

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