Saturday, April 17, 2010

Update on how my life has evolutionised

My last post was the 1st of December 2009. Today it is 17th April, 2010.
Welcome to the future.

The future where Universitas Studenti swarm the surface of the planet.

'Here we observe the common student, less commonly known by his scientific name Universitas Studentis, or as the local kids call them, 'them' - in his primordial habitat - the hall of residence - partaking it what appears to be their primary activity, the art of procrastination, completion of which results in a sudden expansion in blood vessels as adrenalin overtakes the organism and puts him into a state of frenzy, the few hours before those assignments are due, having not been completed due to the necessary procrastinational period every organism must pass before he can be wholesomely titled Universitas Studentis... indeed, before this rite of passage has been passed, the organism we see before us is but merely what is termed a Unistudentis noobicus...'

1 comment:

Lily-Mobily said...

Sounds like a world of fun :)