Thursday, June 12, 2008

Earthquakes = karma? Don't be bad to other people.

The tragic 7.9 more or less Earthquake in SiChuan, China, Monday 12th May 2008:
  • 9000 or so aftershocks
  • up to 5 million homeless
  • 69 000 dead, 18 000 missing, 373 600 injured
  • and too many more stats to make you teary-eyed about.
So far.

The triviality of people:

Sharon Stone, Hollywooder, being the idiot* many Hollywooders are, said (quote): (source

Well you know it was very interesting because at first, you know, I am not happy about the ways the Chinese were treating the Tibetans because I don’t think anyone should be unkind to anyone else. And so I have been very concerned about how to think and what to do about that because I don’t like THAT.

And I had been this, you know, concerned about, oh how should we deal with the Olympics because they are not being nice to the Dalai Lama, who is a good friend of mine.

And all these earthquake and stuff happened and I thought: IS THAT KARMA... when you are not nice that bad things happen to you?'

1. For crying out loud, she ought not to pretend to be 'concerned about how to think', it's not like she knows anything about Chinese history and the politics involved.

2. She can't do anything. She's not powerful, she's not Chinese, and when it comes to issues within a race, only will changes be made by people within the race.

3. Karma? as in,
my karma ran over my dogma**? so, Sichuan was hit by this massive fatal and horrific earthquake, purely because of political and internal issues. Ok. Then let's disregard all aspects of science, y'know, China's not sitting on any faultline, God decided he didn't like China anymore so killed tens of thousands of people to prove something.
Well, we being in NZ, a nice little land right on the boundary between the Australian and Pacific tectonic plates, are absolutely fool-proofingly safe from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as long as we are nice to people.
I suppose the Napier Earthquake in February 1931 happened because some people in that town were mean to other people.
I suppose Pompeii in Italy was destroyed in AD 79 because the villagers were nasty to other villages.
So Japan, Hawaii and all the other nations on the Pacific ring of fire and other natural disaster hotspots on Earth are safe, will be completely free of natural*** disasters forever, as long as their people are

Then I don't understand why God showed favouritism to Hilter, and didn't strike him and all his family and Nazis with a monstrous seismic wave or two.

* idiot: for saying and thinking what she said and thinks. I do not mean this in any other way, relating to any other features of her, this is merely based on her utter lack of knowledge in geology.
** my dogma ran over my karma: Beloved biology teacher at my school shows brilliant humour.
*** will they still be natural if they are supposedly directly caused by man-made issues?


LiloWithoutStitch said...

total yes.
And New Zealanders are giving less money to the Chinese earthquake sufferers than the Myanmar peeps. Sure they've got it bad, but no one can help natural disasters! And no, China's not a big girl, she can't always pick her heels up from behind her and fix up the immense physical social and emotional damage 7.9 richters does by herself. Grow up New Zealand and realise that lives are more important than a silly little grudge with the Tibetians.

Airom Mafia Ltd said...

That woman who said that is 1. A moron and 2. Wouldn't recognise hardship even if itjumped up and slapped her in the face. Karma? Bloody hell. Well she will meet hers one day if she says stupid things like that