Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ball 08

My school ball.

  • Everyone dressed up spectacularly. Boys in handsome suits, girls in beautiful dresses. Faces scrubbed till they shined. And hair, very nice.
  • Good food. Gourmet pizza, triangle spring roll dipping things, little savoury thingy things; chocolate fudge and passionfruit cake things and a strawberry in the middle to decorate which I selfishly took.
  • Good drinks. By that I mean juice and sprite and both mixed together.
  • Excellent use of 5th formers as waiters/waitresses and the captain of the train put on a spectacular persona.
  • Excellent jazz band, who played favourites and got us into the groove; alternating with DJ which of course provided music of the 21st century. I like the jazz band better.
  • Smaller room with jazz triplet, drummer, keyboarder and singer; more classical, thus more in context.
  • Photos.
  • Teachers who played their part - Mr A from maths who mixed delightful drinks, and heaps of Miss/Ms/Mrs who danced and watched.
  • Meeting new people.
  • Poker and blackjack in the gaming parlour - amusing touch to the theme.
  • Huge temperature difference between Entertainment and Lounge. As in, hot dance hall vs cold candle-lit tables.
  • Couples who were almost making babies in the area for DANCING.
  • Lobby too crowded.
  • Not enough partner DANCING - let alone line dances and circle dances that we learnt in PE. Where's the spirit people?
  • It didn't last long enough. Who cares about the afterball, let the BALL go on till past midnight!
  • The afterball. I heard things about it. Praise to sober sensible people who watched out for their friends, but by the sound of things, majority of people did exactly what they wouldn't want their parents to know about.
I shall go next year. It shall be excellent.

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