Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Land of BMW, Currywurst and Gummibears...

I could write ten thousand blogs on this next topic but maybe I should cut the fluff and jump straight to the point,

I love Germany.

I was the luckiest person alive (including about 70 others and then some) to take part in the month-long PAD program.

PAD, Pädigogische Austausch Dienst, an organisation in Germany that takes high schoolers from all around the world who learn German for a month long stay in the country of the language. 2 weeks in a host family with school and language lessons. 2 weeks travelling around the most important cities, visiting everywhere and seeing everything. 4 weeks, the time of your life.

It's up to the individual countries to chose these prizewinners.
It's up to the Group-leader (Reiserleiter/in, sounds so much better in German) and the assistant to come up with a program.
It's up to you to have fun and learn German and interact with fellows from all around the world, from countries you wouldn't even dream of visiting, people you wouldn't ever otherwise meet, and make friends for life.

over 1000 photos (I'm still yet to count). About 20 nations. United by one passion, that is the German language; oh the joys of travelling for free... transport, food, entry fees - inclusive!

Because we were each given one of the world's most generous gifts by the PAD and it was only fitting that I found it the time of my life.

Bonn. Day in Cologne.
Greifswald. Day in Rostock, day on Usedom.
Berlin. Day in Potsdam.

PAD einsteigen! Aussteigen! Aussteigen lassen! PAD los! Gruppe SIEben! Alle zusammen! Noch einmal! Foto (nein!)! Caspar David Friedrich / Hans Fallada!

We were really lucky that our Reiserleiter and Assistentin were so cool and understanding and fun and hilarious and caring and amazing. We were really lucky they were experienced and planned for us such a program so unforgettable and intense and exciting and interesting and varied and sweeeet. We were really lucky that we learn German in school hence the opportunity hence the experience.

I have begun a love affair with Deutschland.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Du kannst so schoen schreiben! Das habe sogar ich verstanden! Und ich vermisse dich so meine kleine Schwester! Ich bin froh dass ich beschaeftigt bin mit babysitten sonst waere ich sehr traurig den ganzen Tag!
Kuss Maria