Thursday, May 1, 2008

Blogging, button problems and msn

So far, I have 2 mateys who use blogspot. THREE. That is a flipping record. I have never had 2 mateys on blogspot before, ever. So Lily and Moria make me happy.
Moria and I have just come to the conclusion that Lily's blogs beat all.
She has this thing, that makes her click. I call it a switch.

There is something wrong with my apostrophe button right now. Every time I try to click it, it comes up with a stupid "quickfind" thing. Only pressing SHIFT+apostrophe button types anything, and that is a speechmark.
I suppose this is the end of my contractions. Goodbye, can"t and won"t and I"m!

Msn is super. What with voice recording and video calling, gone are the needs for long distance calls over the phone! Gone are telephone-call bills! Except that you need internet for msn which costs, and you also need a computer, and webcam preferably and microphone also preferably.
I have been conversing with cousins in Aussie and seeing their faces and hearing their voices at no extra cost is exciting. I sound like a flippin' (OMG the apostrophe works again! YAY I am happy) msn sales representative. If it was sold and packaged in handy door to door sale boxes.

1 comment:

Airom Mafia Ltd said...

Oh Kotassium, you made me all watery eyed now! But yes, Lily has a unique switch that makes a clicking sound and fires out witty blogs.
Hooray for apostrophes!
Boo at people who can't use them!