Friday, August 28, 2009

Letter to the Editor

Dear Life,

You were a present to me.
I was apprehensive, a bit unsure, about how to use you.
It was a new experience, trying you on;
Mum and Dad helped me put on the sleeves and fit my feet into your mold.

As time went on, you grew on me, and I into you.
You became like a friend, a companion,
And we were inseparable.

Soon you took up my whole existence.
I lived for you, breathed for you, worked for you.
You took over my whole being.

But it wasn't that bad really, because I kind of enjoyed it too.
I wasn't so much a slave, as a right-hand-woman.

More time passed. I've gotten to know you better.
I understand a bit more, about how you work, what your features are,
How to use your many functions.
I might have even helped some other people fit into their models better.
You are a strange commodity, you are.

So today I thought I'd write to you because I've been thinking a lot
About our time together.
We had fun, didn't we?

I'm glad I got to know you, first meet you, then use you,
In fact, you were probably the best birthday present ever.

One day I hope to pay you back.
About the time I retire, that'll be the day we become just buddies - so I've heard.
Until then, I still strive to be my best,
For you.

Yours sincerely,


Friend of Servitude

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