Thursday, August 27, 2009

Depression - really?

Today, for about 23 minutes, I was left feeling sorry for myself. The act of going into a state of dullness and gentle depression probably happens to a lot of people for a little bit, once or more times in our lives.
For these 23 minutes, I sat somewhere, staring into space for a while, fell half asleep (for want of nothing to do at all, and sleep is the only state of unconsciousness that is actually healthy from as far as I know), checked the time too many times and breathed deeply.
It was extremely unproductive.
I let myself do it because I thought, hey, life isn't fair, emotions do things to humans, I'm a teenager and I'll feel what I like.
And then it passed and I was fine.
Life's not depressing at all, really, because there's always someone worse off than you. Says the person who has it pretty good. (Yes, good, not well, it's not the place for an adverb.)

Ah yes... life. That strange equation summing to 42. What is the question of life?

So basically what I say is,
depression is overrated.
Today someone told me that over 50% of all NZers have some form of depression, most just haven't been diagnosed.
Pfft. What a load of piffle.
It's a disease or illness if you give it symptoms and medication. The 21st century might as well be known as the hypochondriac century - everything is wrong, everything needs to be fixed, and in most cases, with drugs.

Ever heard of emotions? Humans having a little down time? Having a bad day? Or has this simple concept been abolished, so that today if you're sad, you're depressed, and if you're depressed, there's something seriously wrong with you and here you go, a nice three month supply of colourful pills that might possibly make you feel slightly better if it works.

The signs and symptoms of depression include loss of interest in activities that were once interesting or enjoyable (maybe I just don't feel like it today?), including sex (too much is actually possible); loss of appetite (anorexia) with weight loss (maybe I'm not hungry) or overeating with weight gain (maybe I'm extra hungry); loss of emotional expression (flat affect) (maybe don't want to talk to you); a persistently sad, anxious or empty mood (it's a bad day, ok?); feelings of hopelessness, pessimism, guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness (all very human, you over-analysing git); social withdrawal (like some alone time); unusual fatigue, low energy level, a feeling of being slowed down (didn't get enough sleep last night); sleep disturbance with insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping (it's called being a teenager); trouble concentrating, remembering, or making decisions (again, teenagehood); unusual restlessness or irritability (mood swings, anyone?); persistent physical problems such as headaches, digestive disorders, or chronic pain that do not respond to treatment (emotions, dammit. They make you feel stuff physically but it's not like you can eat drugs and feel honestly happy, that's just called being high); thoughts of death or suicide or suicide attempts (Ok this one is not normal). Alcohol or drug abuse may be signs of depression (no, that's signs of stupidity).

So you see?
Don't blow things out of proportion. If you're seriously actually chronically clinically scientifically neurologically depressed, go ahead, get help. Help is good. And sooner is better than later. Yay for help!
If you're having a bad day, get over it.

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