Sunday, August 9, 2009

Arrival of the Relatives (with no ominosity whatsoever) (what do you mean ominosity isn't a word)

The great thing about having visitors over at your house is that you get to go along with the ride. My uncle and aunt arrived today from a 16 or so hour long plane flight and we had pizza for lunch (ok not so whoopdee doo) but then for dinner was a massive minibanquet, I mean 5 different dishes of greens and meat and cashews and awesome stringy salad things and amazing fungi in the sense of the word… laid out in the middle of the table, and nothing goes better with it all than pure beautiful rice, which is what we had, not the weird dry kind where you can pick up a single grain, but slightly sticky and naturally sweet, perfect from our rice cooker every time…

And of course to compliment was both red and white wine. Well – I’m not sure about calling it wine – the red yes, the white, ‘twas Chinese (I believe), fifty-something percent, I had a lick (that is less than a sip) and it felt like I’d just sanitised my lips. All very festive of course.

Ah, beautiful visitors…

On another note, no wait – it’s the same note – same song at least –

There’s the present factor. My sister and I each got a watch. An awesome Swatch watch. My sisters has bunny like creatures, hoards of them, printed on her strap. Mine has a variety of knots and their names. I like it. A lot. It’s better than jelly. The strap actually looks a bit like jelly (the material it’s made of, of course). There’s just one little hitch (haha because there’s a few knots called something-hitches) – it’s flipping LOUD. That little mechanical tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick – tick

– it will keep me up all night.

But I’ve always wanted a watch! (Truth be told I have plenty, they’ve just all run out of battery and I’m too lazy or inexperienced to put fresh ones in. You know what I mean. Don’t give me that look. I saw you. You do it too. I know it.)

1 comment:

Maria said...

oh cute kejia you're so funny!!! Ilove reading your blog!